Source: 99 of the Best Free HTML Templates to Make Your Website Sparkle
Source: 99 of the Best Free HTML Templates to Make Your Website Sparkle linux – How to execute a shellscript when I plug-in a USB-device – Unix & Linux Stack Exchange Since discovering Oracle Cloud’s free tier, I’ve been looking to do more things with it. Here are a few ideas. So back to this project – using Pi’s to monitor temperature. Since Initialstate is no longer offering free dashboards, it’s time to redo all of this… how nice. not. Thingsboard looks to be a way forward. They offer a hosted solution as well as a full backend that you can host yourself. And […] Source: Temperature upload over MQTT using Raspberry Pi and DHT22 sensor | ThingsBoard Community Edition Seems I’m not alone in this fight. Fsck these fscking open source punks and their ignorance. Remember Win98 or XP? They had very nice settings for making shit bigger, and that was when 1024×768 reigned. Now with 4fsck’n monitors, fuck you old people and your old eyes! Lets makes the tiniest fucking fonts you have […] This works, I can confirm as of Dec 2022. The signup process is a bit maddening, as is the way of Oracle, but the service is legit. Does require a CC# to get going, but the service is using the free tier. I have not been charged. The future is cloud based computing for sure. […] Source: ‘Extinction is on the table’: Jaron Lanier warns of tech’s existential threat to humanity | Technology | The Guardian Jaron Lanier is spot on. Give this a read please. For all our sakes. Right, so I’m looking to deploy a intranet server, allowing for some modern tools across our departments. Ubuntu 22 LTS is a fair choice, there have been some complaints regarding the desktop, but I think 22 server is pretty solid. We are going to be installing LAMP, Joomla and GLPI. Get yourself a Ubuntu 22 […] So I had a bunch of resources on the old site regarding The Battle for Middle Earth. Perhaps the greatest RPG ever… certainly the best LOTR RPG ever. 😉 Going over the old stuff, it was mostly dealing with Daemon Tools, .iso’s and such… the wayback machine has a good capture of that info […] Source: Remote Desktop Connection Manager – Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn Last link was to a dead page on MS’s site. This time I’ll grab the page (and the file, let me know if you need it). RDCMan manages multiple remote desktop connections. It is useful for managing server labs where you need regular […] This is a great collection of tools for Hyper-V. It has been a while, but I think many of these are still working. This is a reprint of altaro’s site. Free Hyper-V Management Tools This is a collection of utilities intended to make Hyper-V management easier. The criteria to be included here are that […] Larger workgroups can be a chore. For example, finding the Master Browser… Here is a batch/script for finding the Master Browser on your workgroup. TITLE Browse Master Finder Color 18 cls @ECHO OFF ECHO This script is property of Mike. This script is to discover Browse Master. ECHO. ECHO. for /f “delims=\= ” %%C […] Recently found this application via Wilders Security forums. Windows Firewall Control is so good, Malwarebytes bought it and hired it’s creator! Give it a good look, it is uber powerful. But be quick – Malwarebytes has promised to delete this one from the internet at some point: And not to worry—we will maintain, support, and […] Nice case design! Everything but access to pin headers, which I think can be handled pretty easily. Ordered up all the parts, keep watching for the build.
Source: Modular Snap Together Raspberry Pi 2B/3B/3B+/4 Case w/ OLED & Fan Options by Sneaks | Download free STL model | […] MS Giving away a OS? Wait, a not GUI OS?! Source: Microsoft Validation OS | Microsoft Docs Spring cleaning on a summers day – of the digital sort. Cleaning up some steam games and I find that Elite Dangerous is using a whopping 27gb! In their defense, they tell you 20gb is required, and I’ve had the game installed forever… but still… dangerous indeed! […] So MS has gone double back on the word, which is one way forward I guess. After saying that there would never be another: “Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10.” That was the message from Microsoft employee Jerry […] DistroWatch offers a very nice cheatsheet on what basic commands the different flavors of linux use. We’re talking the apt-get/yum/zypper stuff. Source: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. […] Let us see if we can neuter Windows 10. I’m so sick of Microsoft’s bu!!shit. They continue to fsck over business and their techie base. Modern Windows is nothing (but crap) compared to prior versions. If I need to go into the reasons, please just move along, this is not an article for […] |
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