MS-DOS Links


It seems I’m forever putting together a DOS rig… One of these days I’ll get around to finishing this project, till then… links! and

Heimdall Application Dashboard

A open application dashboard for linux.. allows for realtime updates directly from the apps being monitored.

Source: Heimdall Application Dashboard

how to get the HEVC codec for free : Windows11

Does anyone know how to get the HEVC codec for free byu/true_White_Knight inWindows11

How to configure Password Expiration in Windows 11/10

In my continuing series of Microsoft can eat a bag of Dicks, here is how to disable required password changes due to expiration.

For disabling password expiration, execute this in a elevated command prompt:

wmic UserAccount where Name=”username” set PasswordExpires=False

Changed Block Tracking (CBT) on virtual machines

In order to use Iperium Backup with Vmware’s esxi environment, you need to enable Change Block Tracking.

In vmware esxi, edit settings -> VM Options -> Advanced -> Configuration Paramaters, Edit Configuration and add: ctkEnabled = “TRUE” scsi0:0.ctkEnabled = “TRUE”

The option ctkEnabled = “TRUE” is a VMX option which controls the general CBT configuration […]

Sideloading Windows 8 Applications

I present for your enjoyment the hoops one must alight through to work with Windows 8 in 2024.


Sideloading Windows 8 Applications

How to install metro apps on windows 8.1 using wsappbak byu/randomusername12308 inwindows8


Open PowerShell. Get a Windows developer registration using this command:


If it doesn’t work […]

Windows Sandbox configuration

As part of cutting cableTV we have been using Windows Sandbox a lot. I never really looked into configuring Sandbox much as I had used Sandboxie in the past and it is super configurable. Sandboxie is starting to show it’s age, and Windows Sandbox is still here so…

Here is a MS Support page going […]

Controlling Microsoft via firewall rules

A post for my business brethren, or anyone with a firewall on their network (which, really, please consider!).

Microsoft is at war with my company. They forcibly introduce internet sites that have nothing to do with my business to my users, limiting the productivity of my employees and exposing my network to potentially compromised websites […]

ℹ️ How to downgrade from Thunderbird 115 to 102 (the previous version before “Supernova” redesign)

Ain’t news to anyone that the newly redesigned Thunderbird is a giant turd. No idea why the developers felt the need to screw with a fully functioning application, but they sure did fsck it up! If you fell for the old please upgrade trick and want to go back to a usable program, here is […]

How to disable every version of copilot?

I’m yanking this off Reddit for when they delete the thread (happening more frequently!!). How to get rid of copilot…

Did a bunch of digging today. It looks like you can also disable it via Intune, using a configuration profile. Thanks to for posting it.

*EDIT* 9-25 this config policy failed […]

How to Enable or Disable Storage Sense in Windows 10 & 11

Microsoft will now conveniently delete your files without your knowledge or consent! How typical of the bastards.

Storage Sense is installed by default with Windows 11, and added to Windows 10 with recent updates. It can be disabled by going to Control Panel -> Storage and setting it to disabled, or using the following Reg […]

Crap in Windows 10 (probably 11 too)

Another list of shit you can delete from Windows! Yea!

Source: Crap in Windows 10 (probably 11 too)

Great apps here

Some great windows privacy apps here at Belim’s site including BloatyNosy.

Source: All apps

Video on Youtube

Facebook insists on pushing Pedophilia on us

Clearly, Mark Zuckerberg is a pervert and a obvious child porn lover.

I’ve asked multiple times. Put in numerous feedbacks. Blocked or Hidden the Reels so many times, yet the more I do, the worse Facebook gets with exposing me to soft core/child pornography.

Please stop Facebook. Please stop.

Sick, dirty fscks.

Source: Facebook


Medicat USB! the new Hirens

Medicat USB is the latest and greatest save your ass software for IT nerds.

I’m waiting to become a nerd. Let me know how it works!

Source: Medicat USB

How To Find Wifi Password in Windows

Windows is such a secure operating system.  Here is the 30 second method of getting wifi passwords from a computer you have access to.


Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool

Source: Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool

KDE on Ubuntu – How do I prevent PolicyKit from asking for a password? 

You can use the same technique Ubuntu’s Live CD uses by tricking PolicyKit and suppressing ALL password prompts by substituting the action with a wildcard.

DISCLAIMER: The following will suppress ALL password prompts globally for everyone belonging to the admin group, with the exception of the login screen. It is EXTREMELY dangerous and should […]

Jet Engine Tachometer Turned Into Unique CPU Utilization Meter | Hackaday

I’ve got three boxes of flight instruments waiting for this treatment 🙂

Source: Jet Engine Tachometer Turned Into Unique CPU Utilization Meter | Hackaday

401 and 403 Bypass Cheat Sheet for Penetration Testers

If you can’t beat them…

Manual Techniques for 401 and 403 Bypass Change HTTP Method: Experiment with different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to bypass restrictions. Alter URL Encoding: Manipulate URL encoding using double URL encoding, Unicode encoding, or mixed encoding to bypass access control. Directory Traversal: Use “../” or “./” in the URL […]