Microsoft Validation OS | Microsoft Docs

MS Giving away a OS? Wait, a not GUI OS?!

Source: Microsoft Validation OS | Microsoft Docs

indexers – usenet


Fatten Windows Boarders

What were the developers thinking back with WIndows 8? 1 Pixel window boarders are some kind of hell for everyone. It just goes to show how totally ignorant Microsoft developers are to real world use scenarios.

Anyway, it is possible to fix this!


ED Disfunction!

Spring cleaning on a summers day – of the digital sort. Cleaning up some steam games and I find that Elite Dangerous is using a whopping 27gb! In their defense, they tell you 20gb is required, and I’ve had the game installed forever… but still… dangerous indeed!


First take on Windows 12

So MS has gone double back on the word, which is one way forward I guess. After saying that there would never be another:

“Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10.” That was the message from Microsoft employee Jerry […]

Two jailed after Valley Street shooting…

Never just attempt to remove the Swartz. Remove, or remove not; there is no attempt.

Police said the victim was confronted at his residence by his landlord, Michael Bruno, who was attempting to remove the Swartz from the residence. According to the police report, Bruno pointed a shotgun at the victim. The victim then […]

Linux Update Cheatsheet

DistroWatch offers a very nice cheatsheet on what basic commands the different flavors of linux use.  We’re talking the apt-get/yum/zypper stuff.

Source: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.


Shutting Up Windows

Let us see if we can neuter Windows 10.

I’m so sick of Microsoft’s bu!!shit. They continue to fsck over business and their techie base. Modern Windows is nothing (but crap) compared to prior versions. If I need to go into the reasons, please just move along, this is not an article for […]


So in going through the remains of Brainless from before the wipe, I ran across this site. I used their software in the past and they have some real neat offers.

Unfortunately, there may be the possibility that the developer is Russian. Consider this strongly before visiting.


Network Monitoring

Mill Yard Computing used to offer these tips for network monitoring. They have taken this down, so here it is for you:


On CentOS it is in the EPEL repo.

It shows a list of network connections and the data transferred over the past 2 sec, 10 sec & 40 sec (a bit like […]

Mounting drives (physical & image) on VirtualBox

To mount a physical hard disk onto a VirtualBox guest, we need to first create a VMDK configuration file which points to the physical disk, and then attach this VMDK file to the VirtualBox guest.

VirtualBox running on Linux:

VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/sdd.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sdd

Now attach ~/sdd.vmdk to your guest as normal


Use dd to image a disk

“dd” is the linux command for taking byte by byte copies of files. Since a hard disk behaves sort of like a big file in linux, we can use “dd” to take a copy or image.

It is a good idea to zero all free space on the original disk before taking the image. […]

Winter Driving

Never too early to start thinking about how to drive!

I had linked to this BestRide article back in Oct, 2016 on my old site. Now it seems that the link is dead as so often happens, and in this case the information is important enough to resurrect and host here.

This is […]

Blogosaur | Audio Edition, Music, VST & Wavosaur 4 all the people !

Wavosaur has been around forever and is a great tool from the days before.  Small, full of features, and if you can believe it, still being updated!  Give it a look if you wish.

Source: Blogosaur | Audio Edition, Music, VST & Wavosaur 4 all the people !

Gmvault: gmail backup

Have not used this yet, but it looks super promising as a way to backup Gmail accounts.

Source: Gmvault: gmail backup

The Known Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

This is what the internet is for.

Taken from MemoryBeta


Run Commands in Windows

Here’s a partial list of Run commands used to execute programs in Windows. Once you memorize them, it can be easier to type the executable then to navigate Windows. Note that you can run most of these in the Run prompt or the Command Prompt or PowerShell.

To open Run, press the Windows + […]

Welcome to BrainlessIdeas

Congratulations, I’ve done no page ranking, have paid google nothing, did not answer the door when bing rang, and ignored their wailing begging from my porch, eventually getting a PFA from them, and yet here you are.

This is my site of collected links and data I’ve deemed too important (to me) to trust […]