Sideloading Windows 8 Applications

I present for your enjoyment the hoops one must alight through to work with Windows 8 in 2024.


Sideloading Windows 8 Applications

How to install metro apps on windows 8.1 using wsappbak
byu/randomusername12308 inwindows8


Open PowerShell. Get a Windows developer registration using this command:


If it doesn’t work the first time, try a few more times. If everything stops working after a certain amount of time, you will need to run this command again to renew the license. If you have the Enterprise edition, you will not need to do this.

After that, install the app using

Add-AppxPackage *name*.appx/appxbundle

The app is now installed, but you may notice that if you launch it, it won’t work. What you need to do is to go to C:\Program Files\WindowsApps. This directory is hidden by default, so you might need to type the path out or show hidden files. You won’t be granted access at first, so you should change ownership of the folder to your account.

After that, find the folder where the app resides and copy it’s path. If WSAppbak is in the same place as your appx file, delete the appx. Start WSAppbak and paste the folder path into the command prompt. After it has finished, you will find a .cer. Install it to the local machine > trusted root certificates. Delete the app. Install the newly generated appx.

Add-AppxPackage *name*.appx/appxbundle

when I typed it throws an error(the ”name” already replaced with the app package directory

No, you need to install the appx using PowerShell, then type the installed app’s directory into WSAppBak.

· 7 mo. ago · edited 7 mo. ago

I got an error while trying to install the .appx

add-appxpackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x800B0109, A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.

error 0x800B0109: The root certificate of the signature in the app package or bundle must be trusted.

Is there anything I’m doing wrong?

Edit: i didnt store it in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities, found my problem. My other problem is that the app cannot open.

Edit 2: It actually worked for Fresh paint. Woohoo! however i had to struggle with some flickers, i didnt have to restart but had to lock my pc once to get it to stop flickering. and after some time, it worked.

Edit 3: Anytime the app is fullscreen, it kept flickering. maybe it might be my display driver or adapter

Edit 4: starting the app after a few seconds crashes the app

· 2 mo. ago · edited 2 mo. ago

didnt store it in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities, found my problem. My other problem is that the app cannot open.

If the app doesn’t open just unpack the appx in any location, delete the signature file and use add-appxpackage -path appxmanifest.xml -register Remember that removing the folder will not uninstall the app but leave it broken in your apps screen, you can delete it by right clicking it and selecting uninstall

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